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Paula Bowen

Beating the Winter Blues

Updated: Jan 23

The holidays are over, the festive decor is packed away for the year and you're feeling a little down. You may be experiencing a bit of the "winter blues", which is not unusual.

This time of year it gets darker earlier and depending on where you live, it can be down right cold. The lack of sunlight and the temps can cause us to feel a little depressed or down. The good news is there are lots of ways to counteract those feelings and to raise your spirits. Here are a few of the things that I like to do to beat the winter blues.

Fresh Flowers

Sometimes after I take down my Christmas decor my house can feel bare. I love to add fresh flowers throughout my house. You do not have to spend a lot money. Often times your local grocery store has very reasonably priced cut flowers. Just recently mine had orchids on a buy one get one free special. You can be sure that I picked one up!

Create a cozy space for sleeping.

It is a proven fact that getting enough good sleep helps to keep our mood and spirits boosted. I got this beautiful Pottery Barn duvet cover and sham set for Christmas and I love how cozy it makes my bed look - and Hazel agrees!

Change out your table linens.

I had a beautiful red plaid tablecloth on my table during the Christmas season and it was so pretty and cheerful. My table seemed so bare once I took off that tablecloth. Looking through my linens, I found this beautiful teal and purple tablecloth. It was the perfect thing to make my table look cheery again!

Tackle small but satisfying tasks

Tackling small but satisfying tasks like cleaning your refrigerator or organizing your linen closet can give you a great sense of satisfaction and raise your mood. Sometimes I get overwhelmed thinking about all the things I need to do after the holidays - cleaning, organizing, packing things away for the next year, etc. If I pick a small, but achievable task it helps me get started. And once I get started and feel that sense of accomplishment it can often spur me on to other tasks which helps me to feel better!

Eat Nutritious Meals

After the excesses of the holidays, I find it helps me to really make sure that I am eating healthy and nutritious meals. Getting enough vegetables, protein and fiber is also key to maintaining a positive mood. It is fun to try new recipes and experiment with new foods. There are so many resources for quick and easy healthy meals that you are sure to find something you will love.

Get out and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine whenever possible.

On a recent sunny day I walked around downtown Charleston, South Carolina and visited the Joseph Manigault House - a national historic landmark. I had such a nice time both touring the house and just walking around the city looking at the sights. The exercise and fresh air definitely raised my spirits!

The winter blues are real, but there are so many ways to beat them. I hope, if you're feeling down, you'll try some of these suggestions for beating the winter blues.

Check out YouTube video with all these tips and more!


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